Main Crop Cara 2 Kg Nets
Cara - Maincrop Seed Potatoes - 2kg (Certified Seed)
Cara are a 'Maincrop' seed potato. This Irish variety has excellent blight and disease resistance. Cara has a mild flavour and a soft, moist and waxy texture. Easy to grow and perfect for novice growers.
Pack Size - 2kg (Approx 25-30 tubers)
Potato Type - Maincrop
Shape - Oval
Skin - White With Pink Patches
Texture - Waxy
Uses - Boiling, Chipping And Baking
Seed Potato - Growing Tips
- Before sowing it is important to 'Chit' the seed potatoes. 'Chitting' is allowing them to sprout before planting, in order to give them a head start.
- To 'Chit' the seed potatoes, spread the seed out in a box or ideally an egg-carton and place in a light cool area. Protect from frost.
- Allow the sprouts to grow to around 2-3cm long prior to planting.
- Planting can take place as soon as the risk of frost has passed in your area. March-May.
- Prepare for planting by digging a trench 12-15cm deep and add fertiliser or manure.
- Place the tubers in the trench 30cm apart with sprouts facing upwards, in rows 60cm apart. Cover with soil being careful not to damage the sprouts.
- As the shoots appear above the ground they should be earthed up with soil to cover the plants. This should continue until you have a ridge of earth up to 15-20cm. This 'Earthing -Up' encourages higher yields, protects from frost and new tubers from sunlight.
- Watering your plants well during the season will improve crop yield and discourage scab.
- Keep an eye out for pests and blight warnings until harvest.
Harvesting Times -
- First Earlies - June/July
Second Earlies - July/September
Maincrop - September/October